Thursday, March 26, 2020

There are two kinds of people...

I know that it's hard for a lot of people, but PLEASE for the love of Asgore, STAY INSIDE!
Leave only if it's extremely important (like for food and medicine), otherwise stay inside!
The main problem with the Coronavirus is its spreading rate, which's insanely fast!
And many people with chronic diseases (diabetes, heart problems), cancer, HIV and even asthma are VERY likely to develop the lethal version of the Coronavirus.
It's not just the elderly. Young people too.

Hospitals don't have enough equipment to keep them safe and are not prepare to receive a sudden large amount of people.

So, if you can, stay inside, wash your hands and, case you need to leave the house, right after you get inside, remove your shoes, clean them, clean your belongings (cellphone, glasses, purse, wallet) and take a shower.

Stay safe everyone.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


You could say that's the reason why I haven't posted anything last week.
I'm good; I'm at home, having my classes online and that's kinda what was the main issue; I actually like to use certain real life situations in my comics, meaning that if I can't leave the house, neither my characters can.

Not mentioning that I had tons of ideas for comics and had a pretty hard time, deciding from where to begin....

Hope that everyone is doing ok, and stay safe guys.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Cats - Blep

A.k.a Everytime that I try to take a picture of my cat!

Was going to make something different, but I wanted to make a comic about her, since she passed away this week...
rip. Kitty, you'll be missed, dearly,  but you'll live into my comics.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Back at college

What? You guys thought I was joking?

But yes, this means I WILL make some comics related to my experiences at Nursing School (I'll deny any and whatsoever similarities between characters and real life people)

But jokes aside that's actually not the real reason why I changed the Graphics Desing for Nursing. It's just that I got to sick of people asking me the same question over and over and assuming that I dislike my Graphic Desing major, that I actually started using the zombie apocalypse line.
And people left me alone and just stopped making questions.