Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ranger's Journal - Birds

This actually happened to me, while I was taking part into the SAFAC (South American Field Archery Competition), on 2013.

I've never felt so bad for missing a target before...

None bird was hurt during the competition.

They were only scared.
And a lot...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Carnaval, 2014

And that's how I usually spend my carnaval; locked inside the bedroom with either a videogame or a movie marathon.

I wasn't sure about buying The last of us, but I've seen so many positive reviews and Ellie. So, I rented the game.
And now I regret no buying it....

And yes, I hate carnaval and managed to stay away from anything related to it.
And NO, Julia wasn't going to stab Juba; she's just getting herself ready in any case of a clicker... "infestation".