" I understood the reactions of all the poeple around me - their looks, the distance. Like everyone else on the waiting room, I was there to check up with the cardiologist. I've had recently suffered from a heart attack. But my Orange jumpsuit of the penitenciary, handcuffs and two poloce officers holding their guns didn't quite helped me to fit in that place.
It was then, when na elderly woman came towards me, smiled and saud 'God bless you. I hope you're feeling well.'
'I'm great.', I answeared
Suddenly all my anxiety was replaced by a calm feeling.
'Thank you', I added.
Later, in the car that was taking me back to prision, I tought about how that elderly lady had passed trough all the exterior sights of a citizen, who most people consider to be a lower class, and seeing a person - a person who despite being a children of God, was, in many ways distant of his own Family.
Perhaps, she had seeing na opportunity to do something kind to a stranger.
Paul remind us that being christians, we're also called to show consideration and also to look for each other, specially for those who are in need of a conforting word.
Eventough those actions not Always happens naturally, our special efforts may cause a significant and long-lasting impression in people's life.
I certanly caused in mine."
Charles P. Axe (Pensilvania, US)
Testmony taken from the "No Cenáculo" (I know that it's a devotional that's published world wide, but I can't find it's name in english)